Polymer solution characterization part 3: Branching out! Intrinsically useful views on polymer structure

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00:00:00 Polymer solution characterization - Part 3. Branching out! - Intrinsically useful views on polymer structure.
00:01:04 Polymer solution characterization - Part 3. Branching out! - Intrinsically useful views on polymer structure.
00:01:28 Polymer solution characterisation - Part 3: Branching out!Intrinsically useful views on polymer structure
00:02:33 Molecular weight summary
00:03:16 Determining molecular size - summary
00:04:02 Solution viscosity measurement
00:05:58 Intrinsic viscosity – [η]
00:08:22 Intrinsic viscosity – [η]
00:10:17 Relation between polymer structure and intrinsic viscosity
00:13:13 How is intrinsic viscosity measured?
00:13:56 Traditional measurement
00:15:52 Huggins/Kraemer Plot
00:16:18 Two-capillary viscometer – Baseline/Load
00:17:30 Analysis
00:18:32 Advanced GPC/SEC Configuration
00:19:16 Four-capillary viscosity detector
00:21:30 Mark-Houwink relationship
00:22:28 Linear MH plot example – Polystyrene in THF (NBS706)
00:23:27 Difference in Mark Houwink a value for high and low molecular weight polystyrene
00:24:23 Mark-Houwink plots – different polymer types
00:25:54 Maltodextrin: Same polymer, different branching
00:27:37 Calculation of branching – Zimm Stockmayer
00:28:57 Rg measured by MALS
00:30:22 Angular dependence in PS235k
00:31:25 Pectin
00:32:04 Calculation of branching – Zimm Stockmayer
00:33:26 Comparison of IV and Rg for structure
00:35:00 Branching analysis – a worked example
00:35:41 Comparison of NBS 1475 (Linear) and 1476 (Branched) using M-H plot
00:36:55 Reproducibility determined by Mark Houwink plot
00:38:01 Determination of LCB – Interactive branching view
00:38:46 Long-Chain Branching Parameters
00:40:13 Untitled
00:42:22 Branching calculation example: Dextran
00:43:39 Dextran - branching frequency comparison
00:44:57 Summary
00:45:36 Branching out!
00:49:29 Contact Information

Most scientists can easily understand polymer molecular weight differences but often intrinsic viscosity, a harder concept to grasp, is a more useful measure of a polymer in solution. This webinar describes in simple terms what intrinsic viscosity is, how it can be measured and why it is the best way to assess the structure and quantify the branching of polymers in solution by GPC/SEC. We include a clear comparison between structural information from radius of gyration and intrinsic viscosity measurements, including how branching number and frequency are calculated. The talk is illustrating with worked examples of both synthetic polymers such as polyethylene and polysaccharides such as hyaluronic acid.