Particle tracking analysis (PTA) method (ISO19430) – What it means for nanoparticle measurements

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00:00:00 Welcome
00:00:58 Introduction
00:06:03 In this webinar…..
00:06:13 Key Features of ISO 19430
00:06:48 What’s the difference between NTA and PTA
00:08:15 Key parts of ISO 19430 -
00:10:49 Key parts of ISO 19430
00:15:31 Key parts of ISO 19430
00:19:25 Key parts of ISO 19430
00:24:22 Overview of NanoSight NTA Technology
00:25:38 Overview: NanoSight Technology
00:27:03 Particles are Visualized Directly, in Real Time
00:27:03 Principle of Measurement – How is size determined?
00:28:11 Particle Sizing: A Three Step Process
00:29:17 Particle Size Action
00:29:17 How NanoSight NTA Meets the Requirements of the Standard
00:31:35 Sample and Sample Volume
00:33:07 Measurement Precision
00:34:47 Measurement Precision
00:35:46 OQ
00:36:49 Data
00:37:45 100nm Polystyrene Nanoparticles
00:37:45 Gold Nanoparticles
00:37:45 Silica Nanoparticles
00:37:45 Summary
00:38:43 Thank you for your attentionAny questions?
00:48:52 Contact Information
December 2016 saw the publication of the long awaited international standard (ISO19430) particle size analysis- particle tracking analysis (PTA) method which describes the evaluation of the number based particle size distribution in liquid dispersions (solid, liquid or gaseous particles suspended in liquids) using the particle tracking analysis method for diffusion velocity measurements.

This webinar will introduce the standard, including suggested measurement procedures for minimal acceptable data quality, and how Malvern's NanoSight NTA meets these requirements.


Denis Koltsov was born in Moscow in 1976, graduated from Cambridge University in 1998 and obtained his PhD in Nanotechnology in 2003 from the same university. He worked as a research associate in Cambridge Nanoscience Centre before taking up lecturing position at Lancaster University in 2005 where he led nanotechnology work and outreach services till 2009. Dr Koltsov is now running his own nanotechnology consulting practice (BREC Solutions limited) that focuses on technical, regulatory and standardisation issues nanotechnology innovation. Dr Koltsov is the author of several patents, numerous publication and confidential reports to stakeholders. He is a recognised authority in nanotechnology innovation and current market, regulatory and policy trends. Dr Koltsov is an expert representing industry on BSI, ISO, CEN expert committees. Dr Koltsov holds the chairman position and head of the UK delegation for Fine Bubble Technology standardisation committee under BSI and is a convener of the ISO/TC281 working group 2 (Characterisation of fine bubbles). He has conducted a number of industry-led consultations in nanotechnology sector and reported to relevant regulatory authorities.