Our top 2020 battery stories

2020 is coming to an end – and what a year it’s been! At Malvern Panalytical, among other activities, we’ve been busy blogging about batteries – with stories ranging from the history of battery material analysis to the trends that will shape its future. We thought you might like to take a look back at these blogs, so we’ve put together a selection of our favorites. Enjoy!
Unlocking the age of the battery
Kicking off with this blog, we explored how battery technology will be the key to a new world of smart technology and renewable energy.
Trends shaping the decade of the battery
The coming decade really will be the age of the battery – here, we looked at the trends that will shape this new era. An exciting one to re-read as we move into 2021!
Powering battery research to new levels
Of course, behind all battery breakthroughs is a long, slow R&D process. How can researchers make this as painless as possible? You can find out in this blog…
Evolving batteries for evolving markets
What could a future powered by batteries look like? And what needs to change in battery technology to make this happen? In this blog, we explore these questions and more!
Closing the gap – how to solve the battery market’s sustainability problem
Sustainability is on everyone’s minds more than ever. Here, we outlined some battery sustainability solutions that can help power a brighter world.
Battery analysis – an energetic research area
In this blog, we got technical to unpack X-Ray diffraction’s role in powering our electric cars and other appliances.
Embracing the future of particle sizing
This blog dives deep into how on-line particle sizing revolutionized battery manufacturing – and what lies ahead.
History of battery material analysis with Malvern Panalytical
In this story, we took a look at our own history, how far our technology has come – and how we’ll always be determined to overcome obstacles and solve problems
Back to the future (of electric vehicles) – 1985
Here, we examined the difficulties behind creating electric vehicles – and the role batteries have to play in making them viable.
We hope you’ve enjoyed keeping up with the wonderful world of batteries over the last year. If you missed one of these stories, why not check it out now?
We’ll be back with lots more battery content in 2021 – so, if there’s a story you’d like to see, let us know. Until then, thank you for reading our blogs, and we wish you a very Happy New Year!
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