Reasons to upgrade to Mastersizer 3000 now

Unsupported or ageing technology presents business-critical risks to continuity, productivity and output in today’s fast-moving, high-tech laboratory environments where skills and practices have changed dramatically in recent years. Investing in new technology means weighing up the true costs of inaction versus the benefits of staying ahead and what that means for your business.

In April 2022, the long-serving Mastersizer 2000 laser diffraction particle size analyzer reaches the end of its supported life. This system triggered a revolution in enabling laser diffraction particle sizing to become the routine analytical tool the manufacturing industry relies on today. It also paved the way for the next generation Mastersizer 3000, a powerful system whose intelligent automated operation, extended measurement range and small footprint perfectly align it with current laboratory pressures and the need for streamlined workflows.

A fully supported upgrade to Mastersizer 3000 - whether from Mastersizer 2000 or from an alternative system or technology - will de-risk and future-proof your processes, and there are compelling reasons to act now.

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Unsupported or aging technology presents business-critical risks to continuity, productivity and output in today’s fast-moving, high-tech laboratory environments where skills and practices have changed dramatically in recent years. Investing in new technology means weighing up the true costs of inaction versus the benefits of staying ahead and what that means for your business.

In April 2022, the long-serving Mastersizer 2000 laser diffraction particle size analyzer reaches the end of its supported life. This system triggered a revolution in enabling laser diffraction particle sizing to become the routine analytical tool the manufacturing industry relies on today. It also paved the way for the next generation Mastersizer 3000, a powerful system whose intelligent automated operation, extended measurement range and small footprint perfectly align it with current laboratory pressures and the need for streamlined workflows.

A fully supported upgrade to Mastersizer 3000 - whether from Mastersizer 2000 or from an alternative system or technology - will de-risk and future-proof your processes, and there are compelling reasons to act now.

Deliver a timely and seamless transition for your organization

Acting now means you ensure a comfortably achievable timeline for upgrading to the Mastersizer 3000 that is built around your specific needs and resources. Malvern Panalytical’s expert teams will partner with you throughout the process, but delaying runs the risk of having to condense timelines and accelerate essential activities as the hard cut-off of April 2022 nears. 

Malvern Panalytical teams have already helped thousands of users to make the successful transition from the Mastersizer 2000 to the Mastersizer 3000, many in critical applications. Our specialists will work with you to develop a transition plan and support you through to installation, commissioning and beyond. Experience shows that in regulated environments, extra time must be factored in to ensure on-time migration of essential methods and satisfactory completion of the more extensive validation requirements, making it even more important to avoid delay. 

In all cases and in all settings, failure to plan the transition process in a timely manner puts measurement continuity at risk.

Take your methods, specifications and data with you

Transferring methods, specifications and data are important concerns when transitioning to a new instrument. The Mastersizer 3000 is designed to ease this process and Malvern Panalytical’s technical, applications and industry specialists are on hand to provide understanding and expert guidance. 

Most methods transfer directly from the Mastersizer 2000 to the Mastersizer 3000. However, a tool within the Mastersizer 3000 further improves transferability by emulating the performance of Mastersizer 2000 data within Mastersizer 3000 software, illustrating how the latter system would measure the sample and helping with transfer of specifications.

Critically, there is no loss of existing data. All Mastersizer 2000 record files can be imported, reviewed and reanalyzed in the Mastersizer 3000, providing full access to your back catalog of data. 

Furthermore, the Mastersizer 3000’s extended measurement capabilities enable an unprecedented range of applications, giving you capability you can rely on for your future requirements. This is supported by inbuilt tools designed to streamline method development and deployment.

Control your costs and avoid bottlenecks

No matter how reliable and relied upon a system has been, the long- term cost of maintaining any mature and unsupported analytical technology is unpredictable and has the potential to quickly derail budgets and impact downstream costs. Ad hoc maintenance can become expensive. Downtime generates direct costs in terms of delayed work and may have knock-on implications where other projects are affected.

In many organizations today, laser diffraction is a routine measurement that informs critical decision-making throughout R&D and manufacturing processes. Creating a bottleneck as the result of avoidable downtime is an uncomfortable prospect. The investment in upgrading to Mastersizer 3000 has therefore to be balanced with the financial and business risks of lengthy outages when using old systems, and the likelihood of suddenly being unable to obtain a critical part that means rapidly sourcing a new particle sizing solution. 

The Mastersizer 3000 is designed for the long-term, and the entire system is engineered to be robust and simple to maintain in day-to-day use, with easy measurement cell cleaning and built-in maintenance scheduling and system health check tools. Malvern Panalytical offers full ongoing support through a range of packages that are designed to meet your needs and fit your budget. 

Empower your teams while easing your analytical workload

Intuitive, easy-to-use, highly visual analytical systems with plug & play software are today’s norm and they accord with the experience and expectations of a new generation of scientists. Few labs now have the luxury of deploying technical experts in every measurement or discipline and so the Mastersizer 3000 does not require an experienced operator to deliver robust, reliable particle characterization data. The system’s intuitive software guides users through every stage of a measurement, from method development to results reporting.

Method development is faster, simpler and more streamlined than ever. Being able to view how the particle size result changes with measurement conditions is one of the keys. In the Mastersizer 3000, the Measurement Manager window allows observation, control and optimization of measurement conditions in real-time, removing the guesswork and making method development as straightforward as possible. 

When it comes to optimizing measurements, the Mastersizer 3000’s built-in Data Quality Manager delivers an expert assessment of the quality of a measurement, together with practical advice on how to improve it. 

Make decisions faster and with certainty

Technological advances in today’s instruments deliver faster results, with less time required to set up, prepare samples and make measurements. Importantly, the speed and efficiency of data processing, analysis and results presentation bears little comparison with older systems.

The flexible reporting capabilities of the Mastersizer 3000 mean you can display your data exactly as you want it, customizable directly to your organization’s needs. This means results are presented in ways that are easy to understand and meaningful, aiding more rapid and confident decision-making throughout the entire chain of responsibility. In addition, detailed information about measurement stability provides certainty as to whether any changes relate to issues with the product or require a reappraisal of the method. 

Safeguard your company’s reputation

As laser diffraction particle sizing has become a key component in the battery of analytical systems used in many industries to ensure material quality, from raw materials through intermediates to final products, so instrument reliability and uptime has taken on even more importance. 

Robust, reliable results generated as required are crucial to the smooth running of many operations. Reliance on technology that is out of support and for which many parts are no longer available, is something of a lottery. It’s a risk that many organizations, especially those in regulated environments, cannot countenance. 

Making the transition from Mastersizer 2000 to Mastersizer 3000 is straightforward, is fully- supported by Malvern Panalytical and will secure your measurement continuity now and into the future. 

Start the process today.


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