Understanding and Controlling Stability of LNPs Using DLS and NTA

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Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs) as delivery vectors hold immense promise for nucleic acid-based gene therapy, oncology, and vaccine development. Platform technologies that characterize critical quality attributes (CQAs) of LNPs will help realize that promise.

This webinar highlights the need to understand and control the stability of LNPs from formulation development to manufacturing. We will discuss two light scattering techniques, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA), and how they are used to measure LNP physicochemical properties, including particle size, particle size distribution, and particle concentration. We will also discuss how these physicochemical properties relate to LNP CQAs.

This presentation is intended for any scientist involved in the development of LNP-based therapeutics, including LNP formulation scientists, LNP analytical development scientists, and LNP discovery scientists.


  • Ronald Soriano, PhD - Application Scientist, Biophysical Characterization, Malvern Panalytical

Mais informações

Who should attend? 

  • Any scientist involved in the development of LNP-based therapeutics, including LNP formulation scientists, LNP analytical development scientists, and LNP discovery scientistsDrug discovery scientists with an interest in drug design, medicinal chemistry and cancer biology.

What will you learn? 

  • We will discuss two light scattering techniques, Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA), and how they are used to measure LNP physicochemical properties, including particle size, particle size distribution, and particle concentration.
  • We will also discuss how these physicochemical properties relate to LNP CQAs.

Vaccines And Nucleic Acid-Based Therapies Webinar Series

In this three-part webinar series, we will explore several areas critical to LNP vaccine and gene therapy development. 

Topics include an overview of LNP structure and formulation, the common and advanced analytics used to characterize LNPs, and what LNP physicochemical properties are measured. 

We will discuss in-depth the light scattering analytics used to measure LNP size, polydispersity, charge, and particle concentration.

Want to know more? 

Register for free for any sessions in our webinar series - and keep an eye out for the recordings afterwards too! You can find all the information here.