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Malvern Panalytical Scientific Award 2024: Share your research to win €2,000!

It’s that time of year again… our Scientific Award is now open.  We set up this award to recognize outstanding research talent, support scientific careers, help you share your work with a wider audience, and promote excellence in applying analytical solutions. So, if you’ve got a publication to share, read on – you could win a €2,000 prize!

What are we looking for? 

We’re looking for outstanding published research by young scientists at the beginning of their career that used one or more Malvern Panalytical products as a part of the analysis. Examples of possible research areas include:

  • Geosciences or mining
  • Environmental protection
  • Energy storage and conversion
  • Semiconductors and electronics
  • Thin films and multilayer systems
  • Structure and structure-property relationships
  • Nanomaterials and their preparation processes
  • Organic and inorganic chemicals, such as MOFs, catalysts, polymers, pharmaceuticals
  • Biologics: protein-based therapeutics, vaccines, cell and gene therapies, viral and non-viral vectors 
  • Metal alloys, powders, and additive manufacturing processes, 

We’ll select and publish the list of 10 best entries and the winning entry among them, based on scientific merit, innovative thinking, and active participation in the field.  The authors from the list of the best 10 entries will be given an opportunity to present their work in a Webinar organized by Malvern Panalytical.

Please find the announcement of the winner and the top ten finalists for the Malvern Panalytical Scientific Award 2023 here.

Am I eligible? 

Of course, any competition has its rules – so please check that your entry meets these requirements: 

  • Your paper has been accepted for publication or was published between October 1st, 2022, and December 31st, 2023, in a recognized journal with the Impact Factor 3 or higher 
  • Your paper is in English or has been translated into English from its original language
  • The first author of the paper must be less than 35 years of age
  • Neither the author nor any of their co-authors can be employed by Malvern Panalytical or one of its subsidiaries or competitors, nor can they be family members or household members of these employees
  • Only one submission per author will be accepted
  • The use of our product/solution must be clearly mentioned in the publication or supplementary documentation

You can still apply if your entry has already been recognized by a similar award elsewhere! 

For more information, please read the full terms and conditions

How can I enter? 

Simply submit one published research publication (PDF format) by September 15, 2024. 

  • Complete this form
  • Prepare and submit the following information including the PDF file of the publication or the manuscript to
    • Title of the publication 
    • Publication reference (DOI number)
    • Your area of research (Industry / Market)
    • The Malvern Panalytical solution or technique used during your research

By submitting you confirm:

  • That you have consent of other authors on the publication 
  • That you accept full responsibility for any actual or claimed violation of any intellectual property rights that may arise from sending us the publication. (we will accept the manuscript of fully referenced published articles should you decide to send it)
  • That you fully accept the terms and conditions of the Award.

We wish you the best of luck – we can’t wait to read all about your research!

Questions? Contact us