The year in review: Revisit our top battery and green hydrogen research insights from 2022

Battery research

It’s official: the energy transition is underway, and the battery industry is leading the charge. A huge diversity of innovative research projects, novel materials, and creative ways to pack more power into a single cell made this industry one of the most dynamic in the world in 2022.

At Malvern Panalytical, we’ve been working hard to support all this incredible innovation by optimizing our analytical solutions and sharing our knowledge this year.

Here’s a round-up in case you missed anything!

New solutions for innovative research

Pushing boundaries and experimenting with novel materials is exciting – but you need clear insight into your results, too. After all, if you discover the next best thing in battery technology, you need to have the data to back you up! This blog post breaks down the latest analytical solutions that can keep up with your research.

Q&A: Recycling automotive catalysts

The world only contains so much palladium, platinum, and rhodium. We use a lot of them to make catalytic convertors – and recycling these is infamously tricky. We held a demo-at-your-desk session to show how X-ray fluorescence can make this process much easier, and we received so many questions from you that we compiled them in this Q&A post!

Back to LiFePO4

XRF is also the hero in this blog post, which explains how this analytical method is helping lithium-ion batteries keep pace with fast-moving technological advances – and regain some of their lost status as a market favorite.

Complete the picture with XRD…

Moving from XRF to X-ray diffraction (XRD), we get a holistic overview of how a new battery will perform in various conditions thanks to non-ambient and in operando tests. This blog takes a closer look, followed by this webinar and demo with expert Zhaohui Bao.

…plus all your questions answered!

In fact, Zhaohui’s session was so popular that we decided to make the Q&A available separately as a permanent resource! You can find it here.

Fueling the future

We often focus only on batteries when thinking about the energy transition, but hydrogen fuel cells also have a tremendous amount of promise to fuel a more sustainable future. Our solutions support researchers developing this key technology and overcoming its challenges – read all about it here.

Gain analytical superpowers

To round off our round-up, this blog post explores how having a variety of analytical technologies available can take battery research from routine to extraordinary – and might help you to define the future of power cells along the way!

Powering up for 2023

The field of battery research and development will only become more dynamic as innovation continues – and we’re excited to stay at the forefront by continuing to support the industry throughout next year and beyond!

Stay tuned for more content next year by following our Advanced Materials specialists on LinkedIn.

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