Air pollution: Complying with strict emission regulatory limits and norms for respirable air particulate matter

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00:00:00 Air particulate analysis with XRF
00:37:49 XRF & XRD for air filter analysis
00:43:04 Respirable silica analysis
00:59:11 Q & A

According to the WHO, air pollution alone causes around seven million premature deaths worldwide every year. Large scale industrialization has made our life convenient, but the environment we live in is being increasingly endangered. Controlling pollutants starts with measuring them precisely, and that is why we have designed our environmental monitoring solutions in compliance with the strictest regulatory norms.

At Malvern Panalytical, we want to impart knowledge on how companies can leverage on our analytical solutions to be corporately socially responsible. See how our solutions not only help our customers to comply with regulations. But do so at a low cost of lifetime ownership, delivering significant ecological and commercial gains in the process.

How do we monitor air pollution?
To mitigate the pollution, first one needs to find the source of pollution. Transportation sector causes one type of pollution and each industry causes specific other types of pollution. One way to identify the pollution source is via chemical composition analysis of the particulate matter. During this webinar, our specialist will discuss how to adhere to EPA standards and the steps to collect and analyse the sample on our EPA IO-3.3 ready calibrated Epsilon 4 benchtop XRF spectrometer.

Respirable Silica and Asbestos
Countries like the US, Australia and across Europe are halving the daily exposure limits of employees to respirable silica. This is due to the uprise of silicosis or chronic lung disease at industrial sites working with any silica blasting or mechanical treatment facilities. These apply to mining, cement, polishing or sawing industries. With increased industrialisation, we hope to shed more light on these compliance norms and prepare countries and testing labs on easy methods to adhere. For instance why NIOSH, OSHA and ISO recommend XRD over other methods. And how easy it is to collect respirable dust on air filters for accurate, repeatable, low detection quantification on Malvern Panalytical's Aeris compact XRD. 

In this webinar, our guest speaker, Carl Strautins from Safe Environment testing laboratory in Australia will share about the practical steps to setting up your XRD calibration. For instance, how to develop reference filters and how to properly set up your calibration curve for accurate XRD quantification. 

Join our series of environmental monitoring related webinars

- Webinar 1: Controlling the limits of crystalline respirable silica at your workplace with X-ray diffraction More info
- Webinar 2: Air pollution: Complying with strict emission regulatory limits and norms for respirable air particulate matter
- Webinar 3: Optimising your water treatment process with online monitoring of coagulants and toxic waste. More info


Dhrubajyoti Gupta (PhD), application specialist for Malvern Panalytical, based in India

Dr Gupta’s specialty is in elemental analysis using X-ray fluorescence as well as fusion sample preparation. He has more than 18 years of elemental analysis in environmental, research and other industrial applications. In his role, he is frequently involved in not only applications support but also the training and commissioning of XRF instrumentation for the laboratory and field. Prior to joining Malvern Panalytical, he was a Research Professor and Korean Research Fellow in the Aerosol Micro-analysis laboratory at Inha University, Incheon, South Korea and Post-doctoral fellow at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India where he was involved in development of analytical methodologies for characterization of atmospheric aerosols and other environmental samples like soil, solid waste and water. He has also worked with the Industry in water and wastewater treatment as well as chemical processing.

Carl Strautins, Director of Safe Environment Testing Laboratory 


Who should attend:
1. Environment testing labs
2. Governments and ministry of health and industrial development
3. Quality control
4. Laboratory managers
5. EHS compliance managers

How long is this webinar?
50 minutes is the intended speaker time with additional time for addressing queries.