Innovative Solutions Utilized during AAV Characterization

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If you are working in the fast-moving field of gene therapy, you’ll know that new guidance from the British Pharmacopoeia now “strongly recommends the use of orthogonal methods for viral capsid characterization over and above commonly used ELISA and PCR methods". But what methods should you apply to characterize your viral capsids?

Join our webinar to hear from Kirsty McManus of Pharmaron, an early adopter of dynamic light scattering, multi-angle dynamic light scattering and multi-detector SEC technologies for AAV characterization.

Following a brief update on the latest guidance for viral vector characterization and what it means, from Malvern Panalytical’s Hanna Jankevics-Jones, Kirsty will give you an insight into Pharmaron’s work in viral vector development and manufacture. She’ll also share her experience of the challenges commonly associated with AAV analysis and the innovative ways she and the team at Pharmaron have overcome them, including:

  • The use of SEC-UV-MALS-RI (also known as SEC-MALS) as a straightforward compelling platform for rAAV analysis.
  • How light scattering techniques are applied to complement SEC-MALS analysis
  • How the data from these and other orthogonal techniques combine to tell you more about your particles


  • Kirsty McManus - Senior Scientist, Pharmaron
  • Hanna Jankevics-Jones - Sector Marketing Director Pharmaceuticals, Malvern Panalytical

Mais informações

Who should attend? 

  • Pharmaceutical scientists working on the development, manufacturing or formulation development of viral vectors especially AAV
  • Researchers working with viral vector development, gene therapies and associated sample types

What will you learn? 

  • Learn about the latest guidance from the British Pharmacopoeia concerning viral vector analysis and how it affects you
  • Hear about the innovative characterization methods being applied to AAV analysis by Pharmaron, a leading pharmaceutical R&D services platform 
  • Understand how and why light scattering techniques and SEC-MALS work as orthogonal techniques in the characterization of viral capsids