Analyzing and Ground Truthing Soil Characteristics

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00:00:00 2016-09-27 Analyzing and Ground Truthing Soil Characteristics

This spectroscopy webinar focuses on the application of Soil Characteristics and features the ASD FieldSpec 4 and ASD FieldSpec HandHeld 2 instruments.

In this webinar, you will learn:

- How water has the ability to alter soil spectral reflectance 

- Why the location of water in the soil has importance 

- Soil nutrient and organic matter analysis 

- The use of an ASD instrument for UAS sensor calibration 

- The ability to groundtruth a UAS sensor using an ASD instrument

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Dr. Bill Philpot, Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Cornell University. While his field is remote sensing, his perspective is in characterizing and understanding the interaction of light with the earth surface – water, vegetation, soil, etc. He began as a graduate student in Marine Studies at the Univ. of Delaware studying coastal oceanography, but has come to consider other water and land applications including agriculture, forestry, geology, etc. Bill’s current interest is in characterizing wet soils.

Deborah Grantham, Senior Extension Associate and Assistant Director for Environment and Natural Resources for Cornell Cooperative Extension within Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences School of Integrative Plant Science’s Soil and Crop Sciences Section. She is currently conducting research in the application of hyperspectral reflectance to soil characteristics.