Discover how on-line XRF optimizes the mining process by using Epsilon XFlow

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Increasing attention to the environmental impact drives the mining community to increase their operation efficiencies. By having insight in the elemental composition, mining companies can adapt the usage of valuable resources as water, energy and chemicals, better to the ores they are processing. By moving analysis away from a central laboratory to at-line or even on-line will increase the data frequency and therefor level of adaption to variation in the ores.

The Epsilon Xflow is an on-line analyser providing insights in the elemental composition of liquid processes. The system enables X-ray Fluorescence to continue measuring the essential elements during processing, and fed this data directly to process control. The Epsilon Xflow provides valuable insights in hydrometallurgy, leaching, electroplating and waste water processes in the mining industry. In this webinar the Epsilon Xflow and its capabilities are introduced.


Dr. Michel Zoontjes, Product Manager EDXRF - Malvern Panalytical

Michel Zoontjes started his PhD in nanotechnology in 2011 at the university of Twente in the Netherlands. His subject was visible light water splitting on a chip. In 2015 he received his doctorate degree, after which he started in 2015 as Product Manager XRF at Malvern Panalytical.

Pour en savoir plus

Who should attend?

  • Anyone interested in X-ray Fluorescence technology and it's jump into the on-line process environment.

What will you learn?

  • XRF measurement in the on-line process environment