Grant proposals and tenders

With you from your first idea to your first measurement

At Malvern Panalytical, we understand that grant proposals sometimes need to be written at short notice, that funding is sometimes available last-minute, and that you may need that extra bit of evidence that a particular analysis method will really benefit your department or research project. We handle a wide range of grant proposals and tenders worldwide and have extensive experience supporting our customers on this journey. Our global tender response team is on hand to promptly provide your local sales team with relevant and up-to-date administrative, logistic, and legal advice. 

We also understand that the procurement process can be lengthy and may require several grant proposals before funding is successful. Some of our customers discuss a project with us for many years before they have the funds to purchase. So, don’t be afraid to engage our sales team in early discussions. Information and quotes are free, and you are under no obligations. As time passes, we are happy to review and renew existing quotations. Above all, we aim for win-win situations, where our solution is the best fit for you.

Below you can find more information on our research funding support process. If you want to know more, don’t hesitate to get in touch! 

Take advantage of the Academic Grant Program
[Academia Grant Program - Stacked - MAL3085_414x573_Ben_Green.png] Academia Grant Program - Stacked - MAL3085_414x573_Ben_Green.png

Take advantage of the Academic Grant Program

Empowering academia to create new materials and applications. This year, we're offering dollar-for-dollar and $30K grants for our flagship instruments. Accelerate your research and shape the science of tomorrow.
Apply now >>

Information and budgetary quotes

Your local sales team will be happy to discuss your requirements and propose a budgetary quotation for you. We can provide a quick ball-park figure when you need – but be sure to follow this up with a detailed discussion, as we may be able to calculate more exact or cost-effective solutions with details on your intended application.

To help with your equipment decisions, we’ve got a selection of whitepapers and articles on our product pages. You can also explore our research theme pages for further application information.

Equipment demonstrations

The best way to see how well a system works and how it facilitates your research projects is to take measurements on your own samples. This also allows our applications scientists to select the best accessories and configurations, and for our sales team to quote the most cost-effective, value-based package.  

To facilitate this, we offer free measurements on your samples with complete reports and data reporting. We can provide face-to-face equipment demonstrations at your site or in our application labs, or we can custom-design a video demonstration for you.

You can check out our product pages for more information, including our on-demand webinars demonstrating various product features. But keep in mind that a tailored demo will best show what the system can do for your team.

Would you like an equipment demonstration quote? Request a demo today!

Tender response

Tenders are often the preferred purchasing route for large businesses, government departments, research institutes, and universities. At Malvern Panalytical, our tender response officers work together with account managers to provide professional, ethical, and value-driven responses to tenders worldwide. 

We understand the tender process, we are familiar and well-connected with tender portals, and we are committed to global standards of integrity in our response. Our tender response team works closely with our legal team to ensure that sales contracts are suitable for publicly funded projects and research contracts.

Do you have any questions about our tender responses? Please contact us today!

About Malvern Panalytical

Malvern Panalytical aims to act as an ‘active corporate citizen’. We are committed to creating better outcomes for our communities and innovating toward a better world. By living according to our core values, being mindful of our impact, and developing solutions to sustain environmental quality and safety, we ensure that our business practices are as meaningful as our solutions. Our tender responses show how we fulfil the requirements for ethical, lawful provision of goods and services in publicly funded projects.

Under About Us, you can find out more about our history, mission, corporate citizenship, intellectual property, and our parent company Spectris plc.

Contractual matters

Most institutes have their own terms and conditions for the procurement of goods and services. At Malvern Panalytical, we approach terms and conditions proactively: we seek IP protection for all parties, look for mutual conflict resolution, and respond quickly. We build committed, long-term relationships with our customers, and believe it’s important that both parties start from a clear, solid foundation.