Uses of an Abbe refractometer for determining liquid and particle refractive index

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00:00:00 Uses of an Abbe refractometer
00:01:23 Uses of an Abbe refractometer
00:01:43 Published Abstract
00:02:31 Overview
00:03:07 Obligatory opening quotation
00:03:55 How could you calculate the RI of a G6 dendrimer? It’s ~ 1.56…..
00:04:28 G6 Dendrimer Zetasizer Nano
00:05:00 General
00:06:11 Refractive index
00:07:01 Aside – the linkage between RI and density is old Newton (1704) and Laplace (1805)
00:07:39 Gladstone-Dale estimation: Brookite form of TiO2
00:08:28 Clausius-Mossotti & Lorentz-Lorenz
00:08:59 H A Lorentz – The Theory of Electrons
00:09:46 Hendrik Antoon Lorentz (July 18, 1853 – February 4, 1928)
00:10:28 “Cast your mind back n years” With apologies to the Move’s “Fire Brigade”
00:11:08 Molar refractivity – Lorentz-Lorenz equation
00:11:37 2012 recalculations Experiment carried out correctly!
00:13:14 CRC Handbook 56th Edition (1975-1976) Page E-223
00:13:54 RI prediction – nonane; linear aliphatic hydrocarbon
00:14:40 Molar refractivity = Refractive index prediction
00:15:25 RI predictions Table 2 from MRK843-01
00:15:52 G6 dendrimer – RI calculation Based on CMR3 values for atomic refractivities
00:16:35 ChemSketch
00:17:10 ChemSketch
00:17:44 Use of molar refractivity dn/dc of proteins
00:18:38 Protein refractive index increment (dn/dc)
00:19:10 Abbes on eBay
00:20:02 Abbe – Department of Agriculture – 1912 – page 131
00:20:40 Arthur Thomas - 1921
00:21:22 Sugar refractometer
00:22:18 Scale is “0 – 28% Sugar” (1% = 1 Brix) but….
00:22:41 10.3% Sucrose; RI = 1.3483
00:23:09 Abbe – in wooden box
00:23:56 Prism & Scale RI = 1.70 top limit
00:25:28 Critical angle
00:26:56 The prism is crucial
00:27:44 Thomas R P Gibb Jr. “Optical Methods of Chemical Analysis” First Edition McGraw Hill (1942) page 320 Figure 274
00:28:40 Principle of operation – the critical angle
00:29:33 Standard (Gem/Herbert Smith) Refractometer
00:30:26 Herbert Smith Refractometer
00:31:51 An aside - herbertsmithite
00:32:20 G F Herbert Smith “Gem-Stones and their distinctive characters” Methuen & Co., London, 2nd Edition (1913)
00:32:54 J H Steward
00:33:29 A really simple adaptation Pocket gem refractometer by Gem Instruments
00:34:07 Fresnel Reflectivity = [[RI1 – RI2]/[RI1 + RI2]]2
00:35:48 Roth & Eisenlohr
00:36:28 Calibration glass
00:36:59 Abbe refractometer
00:38:15 Solids on the Abbe
00:39:23 Solids - continued
00:40:16 Saveyn method
00:40:43 Lisinopril C21H31N3O5
00:41:09 Lisinopril
00:42:03 Extrapolation of 1% protein solutions to 100%
00:42:43 Basis of RI and density calculations for adsorbed protein layers
00:43:01 Summary
00:43:21 References
00:43:46 Abbe refractometer - references
00:44:16 Molar refractivity - book references
00:44:30 Molar refractivity - Book references
00:44:39 JACS review – November 1912
00:45:02 Other helpful references
00:45:22 Thank you!
00:45:41 Contact Information
This webinar will highlight the various uses that an Abbé refractometer can perform especially in relation to the determination of optical properties required for calculating particle size distributions using the technique of laser diffraction.