Measuring Protein Molecular Weight with the Malvern Zetasizer Nano

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00:00:00 Welcome
00:01:33 Poll
00:03:00 Zetasizer Nano
00:03:22 The Zetasizer Nano System
00:06:20 Combined Technologies
00:06:45 Classical MW Measurements
00:08:20 Light-Matter Interactions
00:09:38 Angle Dependent Scattering
00:10:18 Static Light Scattering Theory
00:12:23 Debye Limit
00:13:20 Summary & Dilemma
00:15:52 %Error In The Molecular Weight
00:17:17 Rg Dependence
00:18:24 What is Rg?
00:20:05 Comparison Of Radii
00:21:20 DH Dependence
00:22:44 Zetasizer MW Specifications
00:23:47 System Comparison
00:26:53 Experimental Setup
00:28:02 Sample Settings
00:30:03 Measurement Settings
00:40:17 Experimental Procedures
00:41:02 Molecular Weight Report
00:43:04 Globular Proteins
00:45:36 Monoclonal Antibodies
00:46:16 Random Coil Polymers
00:47:45 What Is MW?
00:51:15 Tips For MW Measurements
00:53:46 Refractive Index Increment (dñ/dC)
00:56:18 DTS Supplemental Training
00:57:27 Why Malvern Instruments?
00:58:25 Contact Info
A summary of the new capabilities of the Zetasizer Nano systems and how to measure molecular weight with a single angle light scattering system