Material comminution: history and laws

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00:00:00 Comminution - history and laws
00:00:21 Posted Abstract
00:00:38 Format
00:01:22 Definition
00:01:49 Comminution
00:02:47 Crushing & Grinding
00:03:16 Why crush? Why grind? Why size reduce?
00:05:08 Examples where size reduction is important
00:05:53 When not to crush?
00:06:09 Crushing before Agricola
00:06:26 Chimpanzees
00:06:50 Black powder
00:07:34 Native American grinding stones
00:07:48 Size reduction - comminution
00:08:22 Crushers and mills
00:08:37 Mills
00:08:59 Size reduction - particle size example!
00:09:08 Breakage of large particle(s)
00:10:31 Breakage of large particle(s)
00:11:38 Comment
00:11:52 Dry and wet milling
00:13:31 The link between energy and size reduction
00:14:38 From muscles to electricity
00:14:55 Most is wasted…
00:15:24 Energy
00:15:47 The laws
00:17:32 Pages 900 - 901
00:18:15 Milling/comminution/size reduction
00:18:41 Rittinger (1867)
00:19:33 Kick (1885)
00:20:50 Proofs of Rittinger’s and Kick’s Laws
00:21:15 Bond (1951/2)
00:21:54 Fred Bond (1899 - 1976)
00:23:09 General form
00:23:29 Specific form (1961)
00:23:56 BICO (
00:24:02 Milling/comminution/size reduction
00:24:11 Hukki 4th Law (1960-1975)
00:24:51 Untitled
00:25:27 Alban J Lynch, and Chester A. Rowland The history of grinding Soc./Mining, Metallurgy & Expl., 2005 ISBN 0-87335-238-6
00:25:37 Milling/comminution/size reduction
00:25:46 Rittinger
00:25:59 Modeling comminution distributions
00:27:18 General form of equation
00:27:39 Rosin-Rammler-(Sperling-Bennett-Weibull)
00:27:57 …..or more simply Rosin-Rammler
00:28:18 RRSB
00:28:50 RRSB
00:29:37 Energy Consumption
00:30:02 Cement – energy consumption 32mm screen
00:30:42 Laws of comminution
00:31:03 Some words on wet size reduction Milling to nano dimensions?
00:31:33 Why?
00:32:11 Wet reduces (tendency to) aggregation Michael Peters, Plant Manager, Pfizer Pty. Ltd, West Ryde, NSW, Australia "Size reduction in pharmaceuticals" Australian Chemical Processing and Engineering July 1969 pp 22 - 27
00:33:10 Colloid mills
00:33:28 Energy/Time! x50, x90, x99
00:34:09 Classifier Efficiency Tromp Curve
00:34:23 Grade Efficiency (Tromp) Curve
00:34:50 Grade Efficiency (Tromp) Curve
00:35:47 Grade Efficiency (Tromp) Curves
00:36:39 Grade Efficiency (Tromp) Curves
00:36:51 Thank you!
This presentation deals with size reduction - a technique found in virtually every industry from mining to pharmacueuticals. We will briefly deal with the long history of size reduction before outlining comminution theories and their applicability.