From the Applications Lab: Using GPC/SEC to Analyze Polythiopene

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00:00:00 From the Applications Lab: Using GPC/SEC to Analyze Polythiopene
00:01:43 From the Applications Lab: Using GPC/SEC to Analyze Polythiopene
00:02:00 Abstract and Overview
00:02:41 Outline
00:03:20 Polythiophene
00:04:15 Why is Polythiophene Important?
00:07:26 Challenges of Polythiophene
00:09:58 What Is Chromatography?
00:10:46 Size Exclusion Chromatography
00:12:16 The Separation Process
00:14:14 Components of a GPC/SEC System
00:15:48 Detectors for GPC/SEC Systems
00:16:44 UV or Photo Diode Array Detector
00:18:55 Polythiophene Data
00:19:40 GPC Analysis of Polythiophene
00:20:53 GPC Analysis of Polythiophene
00:21:28 Numerical Data for Samples A, B & C
00:22:03 GPC PDA Data of Polythiophene
00:24:10 Polythiophene Data
00:24:56 HT-GPC Analysis of Polythiophene
00:26:14 HT-GPC Analysis of Polythiophene
00:26:48 HT-GPC Analysis of Polythiophene
00:27:27 HT-GPC PDA data for Polythiophene
00:29:28 Conclusions
00:35:06 Contact Information
Polythiophene is an important polymer where the structure determines the electronic properties, which however can make them difficult to characterize. A Photo Diode Array detector and High Temperature GPC are used to determine the structure