Metal colloids - their preparation, application and characterization

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00:00:00 Metal colloids: their preparation, application, and characterization
00:01:42 Metal colloids: their preparation, application, and characterization
00:02:19 In the month that gravitational waves were described…..
00:02:33 We bring you…….Abstract
00:03:38 Author’s PhD thesis
00:04:24 SEM Image of typical catalyst – AFR PhD thesisAverage particle size ~ 10 nm by number
00:05:52 Obligatory Opening Quotation (O2Q)
00:06:28 Outline
00:06:58 What’s a colloid & what’s a sol?
00:08:29 Roman times - Lycurgus Cup – 4th Century A.D.
00:09:14 Lycurgus Cup
00:10:07 Color of gold colloids/sols – Faraday (1850’s)
00:10:57 Faraday’s paper on gold sols
00:11:29 So at the beginning of the 1900’s……
00:11:59 Zsigmondy – 1905 in German
00:12:14 Book translated in 1909 by Jerome Alexander
00:12:52 Comment in the 1905 German edition and not modified for the 1909 1st English edition
00:13:31 Colloidal gold
00:14:42 It had to be Mie…
00:15:20 The outcome:pictures and predictions!
00:16:15 Settling/sedimentation: settling time, t a d2
00:17:50 Perry’s short cut (3rd Edition, 1950: page 937)For 100 nm material in water
00:18:49 ASTM E2490-09 (now -15)
00:19:43 Preparation of metal colloids
00:21:05 Adhesion forces - dry millingTheoretical limit of a ball mill
00:21:47 Untitled
00:22:33 Drexler & Rucker
00:23:17 K. Eric Drexler
00:24:20 So we really need to do it in the wet…
00:25:50 Ball Mill – Fischer: Colloidal Dispersions
00:26:38 Colloid Mill US Patent 1,500,845 (July 8th, 1924)
00:27:09 High energy input to break solids
00:27:52 And a lot of time….
00:28:18 Slide34
00:28:18 Good for non-aqueous too…
00:29:01 Untitled
00:29:20 Decomposition of appropriate precursors in liquid
00:30:42 Patents old and new – 1915 & 2004
00:31:05 Atomization
00:31:42 Reduction processes
00:34:09 John Turkevich – colloidal gold mainly
00:34:27 Turkevich – Gold Bulletin (1985 articles)
00:34:41 PhD Thesis: Victor Elias Torres Heredia Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya November 2011
00:35:10 Stabilization
00:35:43 Stabilization – early literature
00:36:10 Steric stabilization
00:36:34 Gold number (Zsigmondy)
00:37:04 Characterization (of metal colloids)
00:37:55 Ask Google
00:38:03 Made Right
00:38:10 Techniques
00:39:52 Surface
00:41:10 Size
00:41:46 Shape & constitution
00:43:12 But what do they do? Applications
00:43:39 3-way autocatalysts
00:44:42 Au colloids for medical applications
00:45:20 Hmmm…
00:45:43 RM 801x
00:46:25 The correlograms for the (3) Au colloidsRM 8011/8012/8013
00:46:40 DLS studies of RM 8011, 8012, & 8013
00:47:01 General references
00:47:27 Some relevant webinar references
00:47:46 Thank you!
00:48:04 Thank you for your attentionAny questions?
00:49:11 Contact Information
Metal colloids represent a very interesting system known since Roman times (the Lycurgus Cup). We'll look at the preparation of these systems looking mainly at gold, silver, and the platinum group metals. All these find extensive application in industries including drug delivery (Au), disinfection (Ag), catalysis (all the aforementioned), and margarine production (Ni). We'll note that Mie theory was specifically developed to explain the color of gold colloids.