Pushing the Limits of X-Ray Powder Diffraction in the Laboratory

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00:00:00 Pushing the limits of X-ray powder diffraction in the laboratory
00:02:47 Table of content
00:03:23 When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi
00:03:32 When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi
00:04:04 When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi
00:05:03 When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi
00:05:30 When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi
00:06:31 When high resolution matters: Cu Ka1 reveals subtle structural changes in MnBi
00:07:41 Do you always need synchrotron radiation?
00:07:55 Structural phase transitions in EuNbO3 perovskite
00:08:35 Structural phase transitions in EuNbO3 perovskite
00:09:41 Laboratory X-ray data: Cu Ka data
00:09:58 Laboratory X-ray data: Cu Ka data
00:10:43 Laboratory X-ray data: Cu Ka data
00:11:00 Empyrean Alpha-1
00:11:21 Octahedral tilting: Imma
00:12:10 Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory
00:13:19 Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory
00:14:03 Comparable resolution between synchrotron and laboratory
00:14:17 CrF3.3H2O: reported crystal structure
00:14:57 CrF3.3H2O: Cu Ka1 data
00:15:10 CrF3.3H2O: Cu Ka1 data
00:15:33 Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory
00:16:26 Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory
00:17:14 Comparison synchrotron Vs. laboratory
00:18:40 Crystallography with Bragg-BrentanoHD
00:18:53 LiCrGe2O6: P21/c versus C2/c
00:20:10 LiCrGe2O6: P21/c versus C2/c
00:20:38 LiCrGe2O6: P21/c versus C2/c
00:21:12 LiCrGe2O6: real symmetry P21/c
00:21:48 When you are too soft, try harder!
00:22:02 From customer support to scientific collaboration
00:22:21 How did it begin?
00:22:56 Kalistrontite: a rare mineral
00:23:29 Kalistrontite: a rare mineral ?
00:23:55 Solving the structure of Kalistrontite
00:24:46 Solving the structure of Kalistrontite
00:25:41 Solving the structure of Kalistrontite
00:26:09 Why to use hard radiation ( = Mo) for diffraction?
00:27:30 Solving structure with hard radiation
00:28:42 Solving structure with hard radiation
00:29:13 Solving structure with hard radiation
00:29:45 Solving structure with hard radiation
00:30:35 Solving structure with hard radiation
00:31:02 New article
00:31:16 Other articles using structure solution from powder data using Malvern Panalytical technology
00:31:39 Conclusion
00:31:43 Conclusion
00:33:24 Acknowledgements
00:33:29 Acknowledgements
00:34:11 Questions and Thank You!

Typically, the reference for high resolution and high intensity in powder diffraction is the use of the synchrotron radiation. However getting access to such large scale facilities might be a tedious task and definitively not as often as one would like. Consequently, it is important to know how far one can push the limits of a powder diffraction in the laboratory. Using various examples of materials, from perovskite materials, to permanent magnets or mineralogical related materials; we will review what can be done in the laboratory and see how it can compete with synchrotron radiation in some instances.


  • Gwilherm Nenert - Application Specialist XRD