2nd Annual European MicroCal Meeting – September in Paris!
The Second Annual European MicroCal Meeting, to be held this September 26th-27th at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, is co-organized by Malvern Instruments, Institut Pasteur and ARBRE European molecular biophysics network. The meeting is open to all those interested in learning about microcalorimetry applications, best practices, advanced data analysis, and the latest developments in both isothermal titration and differential scanning calorimetry (ITC and DSC). Expert users, beginners, and non-users interested in learning about these important technologies, from Europe and beyond, will all be given a warm welcome.
The meeting will provide an opportunity for attendees to share and broaden their experiences and network with others using calorimetry technologies, during application-specific oral presentations, poster sessions, panel discussions and workshops. Seminars and roundtables will be presented and hosted by European microcalorimetry experts and thought leaders, spanning a variety of topics (please see “Agenda” tab). Malvern MicroCal application scientists will also be on hand to answer any queries, and several microcalorimetric systems will be on display throughout the meeting.
We are still accepting abstracts for oral presentations and posters. Submit your abstract and poster
Please register below to access the full agenda and the list of speakers.