Missed our February webinars? Catch up here…

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As per last month, I compiled the list of On Demand webinars from February. We introduced earlier this year a new webinar program that is focusing on Life Science and Industrial and they already seem to be popular so thank you to you all, Dear Readers!

Just pick and choose your favorite subject!


February On Demand webinars:

Coming up in March:

1st – How Size Exclusion Chromatography can improve processes and quality in biopharmaceutical development

Kyle Williams will explore the molecular characterization information made available by SEC, and will include some relevant examples to touch upon how this data can assist throughout the drug development pipeline.

8th – Applications of light scattering in pharmaceutical development

Brent Kendrick will go through applications of various light scattering techniques in the development of therapeutic molecules. This will include MALS combined with SEC which is often used in early method development to establish product purity and identify modifications such as PEGylation and glycosylation.

9th – Interpretación de resultados de tamaño de partícula por la técnica de difracción laser (Spanish)

Difracción láser es una técnica ampliamente utilizada para la medición de tamaño de partícula en materiales que varían entre cientos de nanómetros hasta varios milímetros en tamaño. Es una de las tecnologías más fáciles de entender y obtener resultados en minutos, nos proporciona toda la información de distribución de tamaño de partícula y nos ayuda a resolver problemas de desarrollo, proceso, control de calidad y producto terminado.

10th – Characterizing Polymeric Gelling Agents using Gel Permeation Chromatography. Are You Gelling?

Mark Pothecary will provide a brief review of our latest multi-detector GPC system, OMNISEC, and discuss how its unrivalled performance can help in measurements of these samples. Particular focus will be given to OMNISEC’s sensitivity and how it allows measurements of highly viscous samples such as those above by using lower column loadings to avoid viscous fingering and other undesirable chromatography problems.

15th – Combining Dynamic Light Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy for the analysis of protein structure and stability

Stacy Kenyon, one of our scientist will introduce the combined platform of DLS and Raman spectroscopy and provide a case study of biotherapeutic relevance.

16th – Thixotropy! What is it? Why is it important? How do I measure it?

In this webinar Professor Howard Barnes will provide an overview of thixotropy including its history, description and importance across various industries and applications. Different examples of thixotropic systems will be given along with a summary of the theories that have been used to describe the phenomenon.

17th – The Importance of Zeta Potential in Water Treatment Process Control

Dr. Ana Morfesis will explain the benefits of using zeta potential measurement to determine water treatment-control strategies. On-line continuous process zeta potential monitoring benefits will be illustrated, by reporting on the experiences of a newly built hybrid facility, Tacoma Water, a utility in WA and Aurora Water a utility for Aurora Colorado as well as other water treatment facilities in the US and UK.

22nd – Demo at your desk: Mastersizer 3000

Dr Anne Virden will be given an insider’s look at the Mastersizer 3000 and its accessories via our lab webcam, and follow the measurement of typical pharmaceutical samples on the Mastersizer 3000 software.

24th – Using particle size analysis and rheology to better understand the mouthfeel of chocolate

Sarennah Longworth-Cook and Carolyn O’Grady will describe how laser diffraction and rheology can be used to characterise chocolate, with an emphasis on mouthfeel of chocolate and on Easter eggs (as the webinar was recorded just before Easter).

31st – Demo at your desk: Morphologi G3

This live online demo is designed to get you up close and personal with the Morphologi G3. Dr Anne Virden and Chris Thorne will be given an insider’s look at the instrument and its accessories via our lab webcam and follow the measurement of typical samples using the Morphologi G3. This will introduce you to automated image analysis and the powerful Morphologi G3 software to show you how the combination of size and shape parameters can be used to better understand your materials.

Don’t forget that you can register for free to all our webinars. If you can’t attend, register to receive the On Demand version!