Missed our live webinars this summer, catch up here!
Here is a list of all of the live webinars presented this Summer which many of you have managed to attend.
If you couldn’t participate in the live versions, don’t worry. You can watch the recordings which include the popular Q&A sessions presented by our experts.
Malvern recorded webinars this summer
July 10 – Meaningful Rheometry Tests for Lubricating Grease
July 16 – Laser diffraction Masterclass 4: Optical properties
July 18 – Suspension properties Masterclass 2: Influence of particle shape on rheology
July 25 – Viscotek SEC-MALS 20 Launch
July 30 – Optical properties of gold
July 31 – Viscosizer 200 Launch
August 15 – Froth Flotation in the Mining and Minerals Industry
August 19 – A basic guide to particle characterization
August 27 – Zeta Nano Education series webinars : Basic Introduction to Dynamic Light Scattering
August 30 – An introduction to dilute solution viscometry
Malvern Events offers a comprehensive range of live events including webinars & seminars, recorded events including presentations & videos and online & classroom based user training courses in several languages.
Just click here to access the full list!