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Mastersizer 2000

El Mastersizer 2000 es un instrumento con un historial comprobado a lo largo de más de una década, tiempo durante el cual ha sido el preferido y el más usado en el mundo para el análisis del tamaño de partículas, y sigue siendo considerado como uno de los equipos más flexibles y más fáciles de usar que existen para la determinación del tamaño de las partículas.

Información acerca de actualizaciones de software

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User manuals

Software downloads

23 July 2019


  • 21 CFR Part 11 Support - For details see Software Update Notification
  • Note: a NEW 21CFR11 key will be required to enable and run this software - please contact Malvern Panalytical

28 June 2018


  • 21 CFR Part 11 Support - Enhanced Data Integrity Release
  • Note: a NEW 21CFR11 key will be required to enable and run this software - please contact Malvern Panalytical

01 December 2016


  • 21 CFR Part 11 Support

14 December 2010


  • Maintenance update

18 January 2008


  • Vista Support added

18 January 2007


  • Support for Hydro2000S+ added
  • Changes to SOP version Control
  • Identification of Scirocco venturi type
  • Scirocco cleaning cycle added
  • Pre-measurement delay added
  • Customisation of Source Name and Lot name fields added
  • New Directory Structure Implemented (see note*)
  • (* Since the launch of Windows 2000™, the Windows™ operating system has been set up to discourage the storage of data files into the Program Files group of folders. In order to avoid the security access problems associated with using the Program Files folders, this version of software has been set up to store data in the C:\Documents and Settings\ All Users\ set of folders. The root Mastersizer 2000 program directory will therefore be set to:  For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Shared Documents\Malvern Instruments\Mastersizer 2000 / For Windows 2000: C:\Documents and Settings\ All Users\Documents\Malvern Instruments\Mastersizer 2000
  • The software installation procedure will automatically move all of the user data from the previous root directory (C:\Program Files\ Malvern Instruments\ Mastersizer 2000) into the new directory structure. It is therefore important, as a safeguard only, that all Measurement Data, SOPs, Custom Calculations, Custom Report pages, Audit trails, Export Templates, Mastersizer 2000 Security files and other customer specific Mastersizer 2000 configurations are backed up before installing this software.)

18 July 2004


  • Maintenance update

18 June 2004


  • Ability to re-analyse with ""blue light data removed"" added.
  • Support for hopper fed Scirocco 2000 dry powder feeder added.
  • 21 CFR Part 11 support enhanced (when 21CFR Part 11 Key installed).
  • Ability to distinguish between locked out and disabled accounts (when 21CFR Part 11 Key installed)

19 January 2004


New Security system

SOP Version Control (when 21CFR Part 11 Key installed)

Audit Trail (when 21CFR Part 11 Key installed)

Changes to screen report reflected in printed report

Possible to open other result files whilst a measurement is in progress

Cleaning cycle for the ADA2000 Dry Powder feeder introduced


19 October 2003


  • Support for Adobe Acrobat 6.0 added

19 June 2003


  • Maintenance update

19 June 2002


  • Maintenance update

19 March 2003


  • Provision to use the operating systems local settings for date and time

19 September 2001


  • Support for the Autosampler 2000 added
  • Provision of an auto-concentration utility for the Autosampler 2000

19 September 2001


  • Additional features for support of the 21 CFR Part 11 upgrade package (applicable to FDA-regulated users only)...requires purchase of additional 21 CFR part 11 software
  • Support for an abbreviated clean cycle on the Hydro S/G wet accessories (only suitable for non-persistent sample materials)
  • Improved diagnostics on the Hydro 2000µP
  • Cell removal safety cutout on the Hydro 2000µP ultrasonics
  • Most recently used SOP history on the menu bar

19 March 2001


  • Support for the Hydro2000P Micro volume sample dispersion accessory
  • Custom Calculations for Quality Control purposes introduced into Report Designer
  • Examples of Custom Calculations for Aspect Ratio and DDE or Active X data transfer included in Help
  • Grade Efficiency Plot (Tromp Curve)
  • Rosin Rammler Plot
  • Phi Table
  • Variable sensitivity analysis
  • Red light only measurement
  • Repeat measurements for manual accessory SOPs and Automatic averaging
  • Corrupt File Data Recovery
  • Measurement Filename included in footer of printed page

19 March 2000


  • Ability to emulate a result from an alternative particle sizing technique
  • Secured Layered Access
  • Numbering of records as they are created
  • Ability to customize the fields on the records page
  • Ability to display trends as a graph.Ten Fold increase in file access speed
  • Enable analysis to use a different value for refractive index for blue light
  • More flexible ultrasonic control
  • Addition of a Manual fill and Manual clean facility
  • Zoom in on the graph
  • "Vari-Flow" option
  • Number of snaps recorded before time out for dry measurements


Unidades de dispersión en húmedo

Hydro 2000G

Large volume automated wet dispersion accessory.

The Hydro 2000G is a fully automated large volume wet sample dispersion unit. It is most suitable for QC applications where representative sampling is important, as well as the measurement of polydisperse samples with very broad particle size distributions.

Hydro 2000MU

Large volume manual wet dispersion accessory

The Hydro 2000MU is a large volume manual wet sample dispersion unit designed for use with standard laboratory beakers.

Hydro 2000S

Small volume automated wet dispersion accessory

The Hydro 2000S is a fully automated small volume wet sample dispersion unit. It is most suitable for applications where the amount of sample or volume of dispersant needs to be minimized.

Hydro SM

Unidad de dispersión de vía húmeda de nivel de entrada de volumen pequeño

Hydro SM es una unidad de dispersión de muestra de vía húmeda económica diseñada para medir muestras de dispersantes no acuosos, donde debe minimizarse el uso de solventes.

Hydro 2000µP

Small volume wet dispersion accessory

The Hydro 2000µP is a small volume wet sample dispersion unit designed specifically for measuring small quantities of high value or hazardous materials such as pharmaceutical actives.

Autosampler 2000

High throughput particle size measurements.

For laboratories with a high sample throughput requirement, the Autosampler 2000 delivers fully automated particle size distribution measurements for the Mastersizer 2000. Automatic preparation and dispersion of samples gives true intervention-free operation to free key personnel for other tasks.

Unidades de dispersión en seco

Scirocco 2000

Dry powder dispersion

The Scirocco 2000 is an automated dry powder dispersion unit for the Mastersizer 2000 particle size analyzer.

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Opciones de contrato de soporte

Cuando adquiere un producto Malvern comprendemos que se trata solo de la primera etapa de una relación de trabajo que durará toda la vida útil del instrumento. Algunos clientes solo necesitan realizar alguna pregunta de vez en cuando o descargar una actualización de software, mientras que otros requieren de un contrato de soporte técnico completo, con llamadas prioritarias y un costo de propiedad fijo. Sea cual sea su situación, Malvern le proporcionará el soporte técnico adecuado para usted.

Centro de asistencia

  • Soporte telefónico y por correo electrónico.
  • Operadores que se responsabilizan de atender su llamada y se aseguran de que se respondan sus preguntas. 


  • Cursos de capacitación in situ
  • Capacitación en aulas
  • Capacitación por computadora

Centro de recursos

  • Notas de aplicaciones
  • Notas técnicas
  • Presentaciones a petición
  • Seminarios web en vivo

Descargas de software

  • Un mecanismo sencillo para recibir actualizaciones y nuevas funciones

Contratos de servicio Platino y Oro

  • Protección del costo de tiempo de inactividad
  • No se pierde tiempo para obtener ayuda cuando la necesita
  • Costo de propiedad fijo

Acuerdos de servicio Bronce

  • Proteja el valor de su inversión
  • Reduzca el riesgo de tiempo de inactividad
  • Proteja la validez de su información
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