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Morphologi G3-ID

The Morphologi G3-ID provides a unique capability, combining automated static imaging features of the Morphologi G3 with chemical identification of individual particles using Raman spectroscopy to enable the measurement of component specific particle size and particle shape distributions.

Software Update Announcement

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29 March 2021


  • Morphologi software v8.30 has been introduced to implement 21 CFR Part 11 and data integrity improvements.
  • Note: a NEW 21CFR11 key will be required to enable and run with this software - please contact Malvern Panalytical

12 October 2017


  • Maintenance release

27 June 2016


  • Maintenance release

11 November 2015


  • The option to select the Thin-path wet cell for SOP measurement and in the manual microscope interface.
  • A Manually Targeted Raman feature where users are able to return to selected particle(s), and collect a number of spectra from each particle by repositioning the laser, trying different acquisition settings, removing background contribution. The best spectrum is then selected to be saved and associated with the particle image.
  • The ability to perform a ‘grab and analyze’ morphological measurement and then a Manually Targeted Raman measurement which is particularly useful for method development.
  • A direct export link to KnowItAll® from Wiley a spectral search software and database containing over 13000 Raman spectra to aid identification of unknown particles.
  • The export of Chemical correlations scores along with exported particle details

12 May 2015


This software has been developed to provide users with the ability to use a scripting engine to access possible new measurement and analysis capabilities.

04 July 2014


Software update

13 April 2018


Software update

13 April 2018


  • Support for 64 bit Windows 7
  • New particle fiber parameters
  • Morphologi G3 and Morphologi G3-ID instrument support in one software package
  • Export/Import of entire measurements for ease of data transfer
  • Optimized chemical ID targeting for large particles
  • Improved result handling
  • Bulk export of spectra
  • Fixed issues:
  • Only reprocess chemical data when the chemical settings change (improved performance)
  • Improved plate leveling mechanism in long running ID measurements


The characterization of particles in suspension is a subject of interest for a variety of applications. For example, in pharmaceutical products the presence of inherent, extrinsic or intrinsic particles may affect the efficacy or possibly the safety of the drug. In the automotive industry, the presence of particulate contamination in hydraulic fluid power systems interferes with lubrication and causes wear to components. Many standards specify microscopy analysis for the enumeration of foreign particles in suspensions, and define particulate count limits for a given volume of sample.

Malvern Panalytical's range of sample presentation accessories for the Morphologi G3-ID expands the capabilities of this system beyond the characterization of dry sample dispersions. Each accessory fits directly into the Morphologi G3-ID’s automated stage and is easily selectable in the software. KnowItAll® ID Expert software works alongside Morphologi G3-ID software to provide effective support for chemical identification.

Download brochure


Identification software

Accessories to use when analyzing particles in suspension

Thin-path wet cell

The thin-path wet cell is designed for both morphological and chemical characterization of up to 100 μL of sample. It is ideal for applications such as the identification of subvisible particles in therapeutics (described by guidance in USP <787> and USP <788>), especially when a traditional membrane filtering approach may risk changing particles of interest, such as protein aggregates.

2-slide and 4-slide holders

‘Sandwiching’ a few μL of a suspension of smaller particles between a microscope slide and a cover slip is a traditional method of sample preparation for microscopy. Samples are presented in this form to the Morphologi G3-ID using either the 2-slide or 4-slide holder. Slides suitable for chemical identification applications are available.

Accessories to use when analyzing particles captured on a membrane filter

25 mm and 47 mm diameter filter holders

Methods which are used to detect and characterize particles in suspension often rely on filtering the sample in order to capture particles on a membrane filter. Dedicated filter holders (25 mm or 47 mm diameter) and also the 2-slide holder (see above) allow samples on filter membranes to be presented directly to the Morphologi G3-ID for analysis.

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Cuando adquiere un producto Malvern Panalytical, comprendemos que se trata solo de la primera etapa de una relación laboral que durará toda la vida útil del instrumento. Según sus necesidades, Malvern Panalytical le proporcionará soporte para su negocio.

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  • Eventos de capacitación de usuarios

Descargas de software

Opciones de servicio de Malvern Panalytical: elija el plan adecuado para sus necesidades

Plan Platinum de Malvern Panalytical

Para laboratorios donde maximizar el tiempo de funcionamiento de los instrumentos es fundamental para el desempeño diario. Nuestro nivel de respuesta más alto: el plan de precios "todo incluido" se hace cargo de los gastos de reparación inesperados en caso de que produzca un incidente desafortunado.

Plan Gold de Malvern Panalytical

Mejore la productividad de su laboratorio manteniendo la eficiencia de los instrumentos. Reciba una respuesta prioritaria, junto con el soporte técnico y de software especializado para mantener el desempeño y la productividad de sus instrumentos.

Bronze Visit de Malvern Panalytical

El mantenimiento preventivo regular es esencial para los laboratorios que desean optimizar el desempeño de los instrumentos.

Plan PlatinumPlan GoldBronze Visit
Prueba PM/PV anual
Soporte telefónico y por correo electrónico
Respuesta prioritaria
Visitas de reparación de emergencia*
Piezas incluidas
Soporte técnico y de software
IQ/OQ (Pharma)***

*incluye costos de mano de obra y desplazamiento***disponible a un costo adicional

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