NanoSight NTA software update v3.2

Software download for NanoSight NTA software v3.2


Notas de la versión

This section will explain how to update your NTA 2.3 software to the latest version. If you are installing the software on a computer with no previous version of NTA installed, separate installation instructions are available.
If you a running a version of NTA earlier than 2.3, follow the instructions for upgrading from NTA 2.3. If you do encounter issues with camera drivers or software activation, please contact helpdesk for advice.
You should contact the helpdesk for advice if you match any of the following criteria:
  • You are running NTA 1.5 or earlier.
  • You are running NTA 2.3 and have multiple laser modules.
  • You are installing the software on a blank computer to run with the NanoSight instrument (you will need to make sure system settings are copied across).
It is assumed that you have authority to install or update software within your company’s SOPs. If you do not have this authority please consult with your I.T. support department before proceeding.
It is assumed that you have Administrator rights for the computer. This is required by the installation process.
It is not necessary to remove the previous version of software to install and run this software release.

Términos relacionados con las descargas de software

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