Grains analysis and germplasm development

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00:00:00 2016-07-26 Grains Analysis and Germplasm Development

This webinar focuses on the specific application of Grains Analysis.

In this webinar you will learn: 

- General considerations for the creation of quantitative NIR models, including best practices and practical guidelines. 

- Typical applications of commercial grain collection – examples include: corn, soy, barley 

- Example of the use of ASD system was used in a root crop improvement project in Vanuatu 

- Example of how ASD systems can be used in seed production to monitor moisture content of seed, which is critically important for the storage and germination of seeds.


Webinar details 

Panelist: Dan Shiley; Manager, ASD SummitCAL Solutions Team
Dan Shiley has worked with NIR applications for over 23 years. He has extensive experience in measurement of corn and soybeans for major biotechnology companies.
In addition to creating the global calibration models used for corn and soybean breeding projects at DuPont and Monsanto, he also created calibrations for commercial grain collection of specialty grains and has assisted many ASD customers by creating calibration models for the grain-specific measurement projects.
Dan is the manager of ASD’s SummitCAL Solutions team which provides expertise and support for ASD customers in creating quantitative modeling projects.