Catching up with OMNISEC!

Scientific research is constantly expanding the scope of human knowledge at academic institutes, businesses, and elsewhere across the globe.  Malvern Panalytical is proud to play a role in this incredible work, with the goal of making sophisticated measurements and analyses of advanced materials as accurate, effortless, and efficient as possible.  Multiple instruments in our portfolio have been credited in numerous publications over the years. 

As a relatively new entry into Malvern Panalytical’s portfolio, introduced in 2015, the OMNISEC GPC/SEC system has quickly garnered a reputation as a versatile tool for comprehensive macromolecular characterization.  The multi-detector results available with OMNISEC have benefitted researchers working in a variety of fields, including but not limited to:

  • Biochemistry
  • Semiconductor industry
  • Materials science
  • Food and wine production
  • Cellular and molecular biology
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Commodity polymers

A handful of selected publications are highlighted below, to recognize not only the work and ingenuity of the authors but also how the OMNISEC system contributed to their results.

Professor Johnathan Brantley and graduate student Breana Wilson at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville recently used OMNISEC to characterize and confirm the synthesis and reactivity of metallocarbene-containing polymers

At Caltech, Asher Steinberg et. al., in the group of Professor Rustem Ismagilov, utilized OMNISEC to determine the mass of high molecular weight polymers and study how they induce aggregation of small particles in the small intestines of mice.

At the University of British Columbia, the group of Professor Zac Hudson has employed OMNISEC in the development of a simple and inexpensive route to well-defined polymeric n-type organic semiconductors with potential applications in organic electronic devices.

Professor Matthew Kimber and his group at the University of Guelph have reported the structure of the first Thermosynechococcus elongatus CcmMS domain, supported with data obtained with OMNISEC, revealing that it adopts a compact, well-defined structure that resembles that of RbcS.

Professor Rigoberto Advincula and his group at Case Western University worked with OMNISEC in their study of an organopolymer with dual chromophores and fast charge-transfer properties for sustainable photocatalysis.

These examples represent just some of the cutting-edge research in which OMNISEC is involved.  To find out what OMNISEC can do for you and your project, please see the additional information below and contact us to find out more!

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