A customer perspective: analytical strategies for inkjet formulation

analytical strategies for inkjet formulation

Last year at Malvern we put a lot of emphasis on inkjet ink technology due to the scale of growth in this area and the analytical benefits our products can bring when characterizing these inkjet inks.

To try to assist current and potential users in this sector our team of technical experts in particle characterization and rheology joined forces to deliver a three part webinar series (see Related Resources below) showing how their respective technologies could be used to help characterize and optimize inkjets inks in terms of pigment composition, ink stability and printing performance. This was complemented by a new white paper titled Analytical strategies for ink formulation’ which you can download from Malvern.com.

This year we wanted to leave it to the industry experts to tell you how they use our technology to give important insights into structure-property relationships and to reduce product development times. We have invited Dr Stuart Reynolds from Domino Printing Sciences plc in the UK, to host a webinar revealing how Malvern technologies play a crucial role in the analytical department of one of the world’s leading printing technology companies.

Stuart will explain how the various technologies including Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC), Dynamic Light Scattering and rheology are used within Domino to characterize raw materials, evaluate the properties of inkjet fluids and detect important changes during jetting experiments and storage studies.

Stuart has over 10 years’ experience of inkjet fluid development and currently works in the analytical department at Domino, having previously worked at Polymer Laboratories Ltd as a GPC application scientist.

Register for Stuart’s webinar here:  Analytical strategies for inkjet formulation – A customer perspective

Related Resources:

App Note: Optimizing Rheology for Ceramic Inkjet Inks

App Note: Measuring inkjet inks to ultra-high shear rates for print head compatibility

Whitepaper: Analytical strategies for ink formulation

Webinar: How to characterize and optimize inkjet inks Part 1 – Particle size: controlling pigment size and stability during the milling process

Webinar: How to characterize and optimize inkjet inks Part 2 – Keeping you in suspense! Evaluating and improving dispersion stability

Webinar: How to characterize and optimize inkjet inks Part 3 – Go with the flow! Control & enhance printing performance using rheology