Check for microstructural defects in additive manufacturing using XRD

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For metal fabrication processes such as casting, forging, and isostatic pressing, the heating-cooling regimes are more prolonged, controlled, and homogenous. However, for powder bed additive manufacturing  (AM) processes such as SLM, EBM, and DED, the heating-cooling regimes are very fast and location-specific, which can lead to different microstructures than those obtained with conventional processes, even with the same alloy composition, and these can change further with post-treatments such as heating, machining and isostatic pressing.

X-ray diffraction  (XRD) is a non-destructive analytical technique that can be used to study these processes by measuring microstructural characteristics such as phase composition, crystallite size, texture (crystallite orientation), and residual stress/strain.

In this webinar, Dr. Olga Narygina will discuss the importance of XRD for metal additive manufacturing, including powder and component analysis. She will present several application examples using Malvern Panalytical high resolution Empyrean series III X-ray diffractometer, the gold standard for those in research.

This webinar is part of a masterclass series. Our application scientists will give you an overview of different analytical techniques to improve your design and quality control. Our next session in June will discuss about measuring and controlling particle size and shape and its impact on additive manufacturing QC. 


Dr Olga Narygina, Application Specialist, XRD for India, Australia, South East Asia and Taiwan

Dr Narygina studied physics at the Ural State University (Russia). After completing her master thesis on high-pressure, high-temperature studies of carbon nanotubes Dr Narygina moved to Bayerisches Geoinstitut (University of Bayreuth, Germany) to obtain her PhD degree. Her work there focused on high-pressure, high-temperature research of iron-containing silicates and alloys. This was followed by a post-doc position at the University of Edinburgh (The United Kingdom) where Dr Narygina carried on with the material property research at extreme pressure-temperature conditions with the focus on the structural properties of alkali metals. In 2011 Olga joined Malvern Panalytical. She started as an application specialist XRD in our Supply Center, Almelo, the Netherlands. A few years later, she progressed into an XRD product managerial role. Dr Narygina moved to Australia and joined the regional application specialist team.

Weitere Informationen

Who should attend? 

  • Anyone working in additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy 
  • Research, lab, quality control managers and technical specialists 

What will you learn? 

  • More about the X-ray diffraction (XRD) 
  • Understand how to measure microstructural characteristics such as phase composition, crystallite size, texture (crystallite orientation), and residual stress/strain 
  • Review case studies and data set examples with Dr Narygina
  • Learn about how to perform such XRD experiments on the new Empyrean series III XRD