Our policies

From health and safety to human trafficking, download and read more about our policies below. 

Quality policy

At Malvern Panalytical we take a Total Quality approach to every aspect of our business. Continual improvement is an embedded philosophy throughout our company. This enables us to consistently deliver superior quality solutions through products & services that meet and even exceed customer expectations.

We manage our established quality policy through: resources dedicated to this purpose, use of relevant quality principles and thorough application of a variety of established quality tools and standards, as well as compliancy with ISO 9001 quality management system requirements. As an ongoing process, we develop and update company quality objectives, derived from our business objectives and strategic intent, which is set annually by the Executive Management Team. Our products comply with different product safety standards. We have several processes in place for risk- and opportunity management.

Through product and service excellence we strengthen our position as leaders in our chosen markets. We recognize that Quality is of fundamental importance to a successful and responsible business strategy for the company, our partners, and our customers.

  • Providing value-based solutions for our customers and target markets
  • Develop profitable and innovative solutions
  • Developing and continually improving our business processes
  • Fostering a dynamic and continuously improving quality culture
  • Monitoring customer satisfaction and utilizing their feedback to improve our goods and services
  • Actively considering risks and opportunities
  • Monitoring legal and compliance requirements to ensure our products and services adhere to these standards

Download our Quality Policy:

Download our ISO 9001:2015 certificates:

Health and safety policy

This Health & Safety Policy Statement outlines Malvern Panalytical’s strategic commitment to the Health and Safety of all employees and those who could be impacted by our operations.

Malvern Panalytical is committed to the continual improvement of our its’ health and safety performance and to ensure that, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all its’ staff and others are not adversely affected by our undertaking. We will continue to deliver good health and safety practices and to strive to exceed the requirements of the relevant health and safety legislation and other requirements.

Malvern Panalytical will work to eliminate hazards and reduce occupational health and safety risk through the implementation of controls and procedures which support this policy.

This policy applies to all Malvern Panalytical Company Sites and adopts the principles of the Spectris plc Group Health and Safety Policy.


Malvern Panalytical is committed to:

  • Preventing work-related health complaints and injuries. We will continually improve our performance and management of health and safety by adopting the principle of a `no harm culture`.
  • Complying with all relevant health & safety health legislation and other known requirements related to the activities of the business.
  • Establishing and monitoring health & safety objectives and targets to drive continual improvement.
  • Providing adequate and appropriate resources necessary to implement this policy.
  • Maintaining and implementing risk reduction programs and safe systems of work, as required.
  • Working in partnership with our employees to develop and maintain a positive safety culture in the workplace.
  • Ensuring the management of health and safety issues are embedded in the day-to-day operational activities, our culture, and our businesses.
  • Developing and maintaining a schedule of internal audits to monitor compliance.
  • Providing appropriate information, instruction, and training to employees to make sure they understand and practice a ‘no harm’ culture.
  • Consulting on health & safety by involving employees, safety representatives and others who may be affected by our activities.
  • Providing our employees with suitable and sufficient information, instruction, and training to help them work safely. We will make sure competent professional advice and guidance on Health & Safety is readily available to everyone in Malvern Panalytical.


The Executive Management Team and Senior Management have the overall responsibility to ensure that this policy is effectively implemented throughout the business. We will communicate this policy to all relevant parties and make it available upon request.

To support this policy, detailed sub-policies, procedures, guidance documents, etc. will be published separately and updated when changes in either legislation or working practices occur.

Health and Safety is our number one priority and is treated as an integral part of all line management activities. Recognizing this priority, health & safety is placed ahead of other managerial objectives and targets.

Management teams manage work related occupational health and safety within their respective areas and business. They will hold line management accountable for health and safety performance.

Employees have a legal responsibility to make sure they do nothing to endanger themselves or others while at work. They must cooperate to ensure that MP fulfils its statutory duties and not to interfere with or misuse anything provided for Health, Safety or Welfare.

Whilst at work, employees must follow instructions, safe working procedures, wear PPE equipment provided for health and safety purposes and report any health and safety concerns, including accidents, incidents, near misses and safety observations.

As part of our drive for continuous improvement, health & safety objectives, targets, KPIs and core value drivers have been endorsed by our Executive Management Team, all of these continuous improvement measures have been implemented across our Malvern Panalytical.

To ensure our Safety Management Systems are kept up to date, our internal audit teams will regularly conduct health & safety audits.

Contractors and sub-contractors shall comply with this policy.


This policy, and our performance against meeting its requirements, will be monitored, and reviewed by the Executive Management Team at least once per year.

Download our OHSAS ISO certificate:

Download our Global Health and Safety Policy Statement:

Environmental policy

Malvern Panalytical recognises the responsibility it has to reduce the negative effect the Company’s business activities have on the environment. The company has developed and integrated an Environmental Management System (EMS) to meet the requirements of BS EN ISO14001 and to reinforce the company’s commitment to the prevention of pollution and the continual improvement in environmental performance. The EMS is used as a vehicle for the setting, measuring and monitoring of environmental objectives and operates in parallel with the Business Management System (BMS) introduced to ensure compliance with the demands of BS EN ISO 9001.

Malvern Panalytical complies with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations and other requirements to which the organisation subscribes related to its environmental aspects. The company is committed to the consideration of environmental issues being an integral part of our business strategy, and to ensuring that all activities which carrying a risk of pollution, in any form, are identified and eliminated, or controlled effectively within statutory limits.

Wherever possible the company monitors and reduces the use of energy and raw materials by improved process efficiencies and by reviewing the opportunities of using recycled materials. Through continual improvement objectives, the company improves processes to reduce the production of waste, and the release of harmful substances into the environment.

Malvern Panalytical meets the requirements of the WEEE legislation and ensures that all waste is recycled or incinerated to save waste going into landfill.

Malvern Panalytical ensures that all people that work for or on behalf of the company are aware of this policy and trained in their environmental responsibilities.

Environmental considerations form a fundamental part of the Company’s future investment decisions.

The company supports the adoption of similar standards and commitment by its customers and suppliers.

Download our ISO certificates:

Download our Global Environmental Policy Statement:

Information security management system

Malvern Panalytical security is not just a priority - it is a fundamental pillar of our operations. Our ISO 27001 certification is one of our commitments to safeguarding your assets, data, and trust.

Download our ISO 27001:2013 certificates:

Export compliance

It is the express policy of Malvern Panalytical to fully comply with all applicable export controls, including (where applicable) US export and re-export controls. Strict adherence to export control laws is required of all employees, affiliates and channel partners. The designated Export Controls Compliance Officers at Malvern Panalytical have primary responsibility for ensuring compliance with all applicable export controls. They are also responsible for the development, implementation and updating of a local Export Controls Compliance Manual, regularly training employees on export controls, ensuring that our products are classified for export control purposes, determining licensing requirements and auditing the company’s compliance with export controls.

Sound export control practices underscore our commitment to ethical business behavior and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. 

Management policy

Malvern Panalytical is a global provider of technologies that enable the chemical, physical and structural analysis of materials.  Our focus is on creating innovative, customer-focused solutions and services to enhance efficiency and deliver tangible economic impact.

We are committed to achieving consistent, profitable year-on-year growth by:

  • Understanding and satisfying our customers' needs
  • Realizing the full potential of all our employees
  • Fully supporting our business partners.

Through product and service excellence we will strengthen our position as leader in our chosen markets.

To achieve these aims, we are dedicated to continually improving our Business Management System to ensure it meets the requirements of ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015, ISO45001:2018, and all other relevant ISO standards. 

Modern slavery & human trafficking statement

This statement has been published pursuant to the requirements under section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act of 2010 and is Spectris plc’s modern slavery and human trafficking statement for 2024. It provides information regarding the business practices of Spectris plc, the holding company, its subsidiary companies, other companies within the Spectris group1 (together, “Spectris”/the “Group”), and the steps Spectris has taken to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking (“MS&HT”) is not taking place in its business and supply chains.

Spectris has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery or human trafficking. It is committed to acting ethically, with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and it is committed to implementing effective systems and controls to safeguard against any form of MS&HT in any part of its business or operations. The Group considers that the risk of MS&HT taking place within its business or direct supply chain is relatively low.

For more information see Malvern Panalytical’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.

Human rights

Malvern Panalytical is committed to protecting and upholding human rights and decent working conditions in its supply chain. An audit program based on SA8000 is applied to all significant suppliers located in lower cost manufacturing areas in order to provide assurance in this respect. Further details can be found at www.spectris.com/sustainability/human-rights.

Code of business ethics

We do business the right way, every day. We run all our facilities to the highest safety standards to protect our people, the public and the environment. And as our Code of Business Ethics shows, we always work with absolute integrity and in line with the spirit and letter of the law in all the countries we operate in. 

Download our Code of Business Ethics documents: