Looking for a more accurate and X-ray safe instrument for quantifying ores and rocks?
If so, the Epsilon 1 is the ideal analytical solution for bringing more accurate results closer to the mines. With its small footprint and very simple installation requirements, the benchtop instrument can be located very close to where the analysis is needed, for example, in the quarry or mine-site office.
With little or no sample preparation required, Epsilon 1 allows screening and accurate quantification of ores, rocks, stream-sediment samples and even blast-hole chips. The Epsilon 1 is an easy to operate instrument with guaranteed peace-of-mind X-ray safety. Without the need for additional chemicals or operating gasses, the system provides superior precision relative to basic wet-chemical techniques.
The instrument is calibrated with Omnian, Malvern Panalytical’s market-leading standardless analysis package, used on our more advanced instruments. As an out-of-the-box solution, Omnian can be used to analyze a wide variety of sample compositions from sodium to americium across the periodic table.