Spectral applications in gold exploration

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Join us to discover aspects of the hydrothermal alteration mineral zonation associated with orogenic gold deposits, particularly those formed in deeply weathered Archaean greenstone environments, and how SWIR analysis can be used to better map alteration through complicated regolith.

Guest Presented by: Ned Howard - Principal Technical Geologist at Evolution Mining 

Ned leads geoscience initiatives at Evolution Mining and provides support to exploration and mining teams to solve geological problems and generate and assess new targets. He specializes in geochemical and SWIR spectral applications to exploration and ore body knowledge for a range of gold deposit styles.  Previously, Ned worked as an exploration geologist with Barrick and junior companies in Australia, Indonesia, PNG and Canada. 



Ned Howard - Principal Technical Geologist at Evolution Mining


- Who should attend? 

  • Exploration geologists working in orogenic environments and/or deeply weathered landscapes
  • Anyone interested in exploration and geology

-What will you learn? 

  • Hydrothermal alteration zonation of orogenic gold deposits, particularly those formed in deeply weathered 
  • Archaean greenstone environments, and how SWIR analysis can be used to better map alteration mineral zonation