マスターサイザー3000+ Ultra

Mastersizer 3000+ Ultraは、レーザ回折により粒子サイズと粒子径分布を測定する、当社で最先端のシステムです。このモデルは、極めて幅広いサイズ範囲(0.01~3500 um)を測定し、自動化をサポートします。デジタル化が進んだMastersizer Xplorerには、新しいSize Sure測定モードを含む、人工知能を活用したワークフローアプリケーションのフルセットが付属しています。 


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30 April 2024


Version 5.02 is a maintenance release.  It includes a fix to an issue identified in versions 5.0 and 5.01. If you are using versions 5.0 or 5.01, it is strongly advised that you update to version 5.02.

Version 5.0 rebranded the software as Mastersizer Xplorer and introduced a range of new software features for the Mastersizer 3000+ range.

See Software Update Notification (SUN) document for further details.

This software is compatible with Mastersizer range: Mastersizer 3000+ Ultra, Mastersizer 3000+ Pro, Mastersizer 3000+ Lab, Mastersizer 3000 and Mastersizer 3000E.

Note: This software no longer supports the use of the Malvern Access Control (MAC) or 21CFR Pt. 11 feature key. This functionality is now provided via OmniTrust. Users that wish to move onto the OmniTrust platform are now supported to retain access to their existing audit trail information. For more information, refer to the SUN document before installing the software or contact your Malvern Panalytical representative.


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