Elemental Analysis Masterclass 3 - The Basics of Sample Preparation for XRF

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00:00:00 Elemental Analysis Masterclass 3:The Basics of Sample Preparation for XRF
00:00:16 Masterclass Series
00:00:30 Presenter Introductions
00:03:09 Summary
00:03:49 Introduction
00:05:08 Introduction
00:05:38 Introduction
00:06:05 Inorganic & Geological Samples
00:06:17 Sample Preparation
00:08:49 Crushing & Splitting
00:10:22 Grinding
00:11:25 Grinding
00:12:50 Grinding
00:14:25 Grinding & Binding Aids
00:16:40 Pressing
00:19:23 Pressing
00:20:51 Pressed Powder Pellets
00:22:58 Borate Fusion
00:24:29 Borate Fusion
00:26:05 Fusion
00:27:24 Fusion
00:28:36 Fusion
00:29:43 Fusion
00:30:58 Other Sample Types
00:32:26 Other Sample Types
00:33:17 Other Sample Types
00:34:40 Pressed Pellets and Fused Beads
00:35:22 Pressed Pellets
00:36:39 Fused Beads
00:38:36 Pressed Pellets and Fused Beads
00:40:34 Pressed Pellets and Fused Beads
00:41:43 Pressed Pellets
00:43:22 Strategies and Possibilities on Analysis and Calibration
00:45:29 Strategies and Possibilities on Analysis and Calibration
00:47:23 Possibilities in Automation
00:49:23 Possibilities in Automation
00:50:59 Improve & Maintain Quality
00:52:24 Improve & Maintain Quality
00:54:22 Improve & Maintain Quality
00:55:30 Improve & Maintain Quality
00:58:04 Question & Answers
01:02:38 Thank You!

One of the main advantages of XRF analysis in comparison to other elemental analytical techniques is the ease of sample preparation, with no need for complex procedures or handling of aggressive acids or other hazardous substances. However, in order to achieve the best of the XRF method, some basic sample preparation procedures must be followed, and the user needs to be attentive to a few very important points. 

Anyhow, an analytical result can only be as good as the sample allows for! This webinar will present to its viewers the basic theory and best practices around preparation of various types of samples for XRF. It will also highlight the advantages of borate fusion in comparison to powder pressing, possible for various matrix types.


Alexander Komelkov, MSc & Dr. José Eduardo Gardolinski


  • Who should attend?

- Anyone using XRF as an analytical tool or interested to understand the basics of XRF

  • Why attend?

- To understand the importance of suitable and reproducible sample preparation methodologies in the XRF analytical chain as well as the consequences of poor procedures

- To gain additional knowledge on the most common procedures for sample preparation

- To achieve a better understanding on how the Borate Fusion Technique can be advantageous in comparison with Pressed Powder Pellets.