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Epsilon 1

Small, powerful and portable XRF analyzer

The Epsilon 1 is a fully integrated energy dispersive XRF analyzer consisting of a spectrometer, built-in computer, touch screen and analysis software. Powered by the latest advances in excitation and detection technology the Epsilon 1 is a star performer in the low-cost benchtop instrument class.

Epsilon 1 produces fast, cost-effective, precise and accurate data with minimal operator dependence and sample preparation. The total running cost is therefore much lower than other analytical techniques such as AAS, ICP and wet chemical methods that are costly and also require a dedicated skilled operator. 

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Industry editions

Epsilon 1 is built for the characterization and analysis of any type of sample in many industry segments such as cement, cosmetics, environmental, food, forensics, metals and coatings, mining and minerals, nanomaterials, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, polymers and RoHS-2.

A number of out-of-the-box solutions are available for specific analytical needs. Those industry versions are pre-calibrated in the factory and ready to use: 

Epsilon 1 Lubricating oils

An easy and economical method for ASTM D6481 compliant analysis of additives in lubricating oils.

Epsilon 1 Lubricating oils

Epsilon 1 for Fuels

An easy and economical analysis method for sulfur in fuels starting from 5ppm.

Epsilon 1 for Fuels

Epsilon 1 for Small Spot Analysis

Elemental analysis of small objects or small inclusions in electronic appliances, toys, jewelry, rocks or finished products.

Epsilon 1 for Small Spot Analysis

Epsilon 1 Wells

An on-asset monitoring solution with DNV Marine certification that gives you critical production chemistry and flow assurance data.

Epsilon 1 Wells


Robust and flexible quantification

Epsilon 1 can be calibrated using reference materials that match the composition of the routine samples. These dedicated calibrations result in accurate data with high precision. Epsilon 1 can be calibrated for a wide variety of industry applications. 

Epsilon 1 is a star-performing benchtop XRF instrument for the analysis of major, minor and trace elements from sodium to americium, across the periodic table.

Periodic Table GENERIC MP style.jpg

Enhanced data security

The Enhanced Data Security option for the Epsilon system software helps you strengthen your audit trail, minimize the risk of error, and prove that your XRF instrument is working as expected. Capabilities include advanced user management, action logging, and data protection.


Non-destructive analysis

The measurements are carried out directly on the sample itself with little to no sample preparation. Since XRF is a non-destructive technique, the sample can also be measured subsequently by other analytical techniques, if required.
Non-destructive analysis

Maximum sensitivity

The thin window Ag anode X-ray tube, designed and manufactured by Malvern Panalytical, ensures high quality and sensitivity. The 50 kV X-ray tube and generator is ideal for exciting heavier elements, resulting in faster analysis times and higher accuracy.
Maximum sensitivity

Easy communication

USB and network connections for standard computer peripherals support extended use, application development, and seated operator.

Easy communication

Atmospheric variations

Low-energy X-ray photons characteristic of sodium, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus and sulfur are sensitive to air-pressure and temperature variations. Built-in temperature and air-pressure sensors compensate for these atmospheric variations, ensuring excellent results whatever the weather.
Atmospheric variations

Spillage protection

A spillage protection foil is in place to shield the delicate heart of the system. In case of spillage, the foil can be replaced easily by the operator.

Spillage protection

Key applications

Mining and minerals
• Direct quantification of rocks, ores and drill cores
• Fast positive material identification using FingerPrint software
• Standardless analysis to quantify a wide variety of minerals without the need of dedicated calibrations
• Simple inspection of coatings using Stratos (multi-)layer analysis solution
• Positive material identification package for fast metals sorting and PASS/FAIL reporting  
• Elemental quantification of slags
• Quick screening of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
• Epsilon 1 Sulfur in Fuels edition for compliancy with ASTM D4294, ISO 8754, 20847, IP 336, 496, and JIS K2541-4 test methods
• ASTM D6481 compliant performance with ready-to-use Lube Oils edition
• One-stop-shop for spectrometer and certified oil and fuels standards
• Epsilon 1 for ISO 13032 for compliant analysis of sulfur and chlorine with low running costs
• Fast quantification of nutrients in food and animal feed products
• Short feedback loop in process control of food and animal feed
• Robust and accurate quantification of milk powder  
Building materials  
• On-site process and quality control of cement, clinker and raw materials
• Screening of a wide variety of alternative fuels and raw materials (AFR) using standardless analysis
• One instrument for any type of sample without the requirement of dedicated calibrations
• Ideal education tool through its safe design and low utility needs
• The ready-to-use Academia solution is pre-calibrated with Omnian standardless analysis solution
• Speed up process development using straight-forward analysis of residue elements
• Comply with FDA 21 CFR Part 11 with available Enhanced Data Security software
• Efficient raw materials inspection to quickly identify supply changes
• Optional Installation and Operational Qualification packages (IQ & OQ)
• In-field identification of contaminated soils
• Analysis of inorganic compounds on air filters at location of the sampler
• Quick analysis of waste water
Plastics and polymers
• RoHS-3 analysis with ASTM F2617 compliant performance
• Detailed and direct analysis of heterogenous samples with Epsilon 1 for small spot analysis
• Unique CRM solutions available for additives, restricted and toxic elements in polyethylene


Standards (Reference materials)


Accurate elemental analysis of RoHS restricted materials


Accurate analysis by XRF of toxic elements in polymers and plastics


Claisse is always there to meet your needs!


Epsilon software

Epsilon software is the XRF analysis software platform that is used with PANalytical’s range of Epsilon 1 and Epsilon 4 benchtop EDXRF systems.

Epsilon software


The software provides a rapid, simple and non-destructive means of analyzing coatings, surface layers and multi-layered structures.


Omnian software enables users to achieve the best possible analysis when dedicated methods or certified standards do not exist.



A FingerPrint software module combined with an Epsilon EDXRF system is ideal for material testing when analysis speed is important but the actual composition is not of interest.


Sample Preparation

Claisse LeNeo

Keeping ahead through Claisse expertise in fusion
Claisse LeNeo


XRF testing services

Malvern Panalytical offers a range of analytical services, ranging from elemental, structural and morphological analysis to validation and qualification services.

XRF testing services

Guided Smart Install

When correctly installed your new Epsilon 1 will give you reliable analysis results. Installing an Epsilon 1 is straightforward: unpack the system, plug it in and follow the instructions, which we will guide you through. Finally, a simple radiation test completes the installation and confirms that your system is working safely. Yes, it is that easy to start using your Epsilon 1. And, more importantly, you can rest assured that your system is supplied with the necessary safety certification.
Smart install ensures you can get new instruments up and running even when unexpected circumstances or remote locations prevent an engineer from accessing your facility. For the Epsilon 1, we offer a guided  smart installation, enabling you to install the system yourself and maintain the integrity of the instrument and its safety certification.

The advantages of guided smart install:

  • Get up and running fast
  • Save on installation costs
  • Install the system when it suits you
  • Extended 15-month warranty period

Find out more about smart install.



Take a look at our basic instruction video series to learn more about Epsilon 1:


Solutions to maximize the return on your investment

To assure that your instrument remains in top condition and performs on the highest level, Malvern Panalytical offers a wide range of services. Our expertise and support services assure an optimal functioning of your instrument.


Service for a lifetime

  • Phone and remote support
  • Preventive maintenance and checkups
  • Flexible Customer Care Agreements
  • Performance certificates
  • Hardware and software upgrades
  • Local and global support


Adding value to your processes 

  • Sample preparation development/optimization
  • Analytical methodologies 
  • Turnkey solutions for XRD 
  • Operations via IQ/OQ/PQ, quality assurance (GLP, ISO17025) or round robins/inter laboratory studies
  • Automation of lab processes
  • Consultancy services

Training and education

  • Training on-site or at our competence centers
  • Broad range of basic and advanced courses on products, applications and software

Analytical services and calibration materials

  • Expert (XRF) analyses services
  • Oxides and trace analysis
  • Customized calibration materials

Very easy to use. Reproducible analysis. Very user-friendly.

Ivan Boninsegna — Aquafil S.p.a.
Small, powerful, portable XRF.

Small, powerful, portable XRF.

Fully integrated EDXRF analysis. Pre-calibrated for your industry. Ready for fast quantification in the lab - or to take on the road with you.

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